The question that’s constantly keeps coming up as I talk to people about the A2z Foundation. People usually let me rumble on about the background, the vision, the mission, the objectives, then I get into a song of how we plan to do it using basketball as a main tool to attract and retain youth in to our programme. And that’s when the question comes, Why basketball? Why not football?
Well, I hope after you read this, some of these questions will be laid up, I mean laid to bed.
Firstly, I love sports in general. From the discipline, the passion and the power and potential it has to bridge gaps between people of different races, cultures and class. Hell if there’s life out there in the galaxy, sports will be the key (y’all seen Space Jam). Plus being 1.95m /6.3ft, everyone just assumes you play or should be playing basketball, (if you are that tall you probably should).
Then there’s also the fact that basketball is the one sport that properly mirrors life while at the same time providing life skills that apply to everyday situations. It’s possible to experience all of life’s major emotions in a single game (true story). You can go from despair to joy, dread to hope, misery to elation, the heartbreak, the delirium all in one game. (Anyone remember MJ’s last shot in Game 6 of the 1998 NBA finals? Drama!). Because the game is played at a fast pace, the life skills are even more practical. Just like life, it’s constantly happening, you gotta keep your eye on the ball (Goals), it takes five people to make a team with each member with a specific role (Team work, Communication, Leadership), at every point in our lives we are part of a team, at home, at school, at work, in the community etc. and within those teams we play different roles that can contribute to success or failure. We are constantly communicating, hence the need to be able to communicate effectively, our ideas, our feelings, our desires etc. Stepping in someone else’s shoes (Empathy), might mean taking a charge or giving up a shot for your team mate to make an even better shot. The fact that ALL players on the court are all in involved ALL the time whether on offence or defense, there’s no dull moment (Responsibility), a lot like life, you are involved in what’s going on around you and you have a responsibility and part to play.
Basketball is the number one fastest growing sport in Africa, as evidenced by the newly formed Basketball Africa League (BAL) organized by the NBA and Fiba Africa partnering to bring the first Pan- African professional basketball league to life, which tips off in 2020.
Since 2010 when the NBA opened its Africa office in South Africa, with a goal of growing the NBA brand across the continent, growing the game of basketball, making it accessible to young people and growing a fan base. The popularity of the sport has made major leaps and bounds.
Basketball in Africa may still be overshadowed by football, but in terms of growth both at grassroots and professional levels, basketball is steadily on the rise, with the NBA Academy Africa in Senegal looking at elite talent identification and development. Though the NBA may only be able to absorb a very small amount of those exceptionally gifted youngsters, the Basketball Africa League will provide an avenue where these young players can also showcase their talent, monetize it and at the same time continue to grow the sport on the continent.
This is why we should all participate in its development, more especially at the grass roots/ community level. The game has the power to change (and affect) lives.
Amadou Gallo Fall the NBA Africa MD and Basketball Africa League President is certain that the best way to make the league work is by feeding the whole basketball environment from the bottom to the top, youth level to the most experienced personnel. This is a chance for people, young and old to turn their passion into their profession.
In the end what is more important than, why this sport and not that one? is the power (ALL) sport has in bringing us together as human beings and the undeniable potential it has to positively impact the lives of youth in our communities and worldwide.
And I rest my case…….check ball!
Let’s talk: what do you think about sports and its impact (if any), and what’s your favorite sports and any sport related experience you would like to share!