This new reality we find ourselves in, continues to weigh heavy on all of us. For those of us that
loved to schedule our lives around one sports season to another, life was simple. The EPL
ends, the NBA starts, and we’d get to the playoffs just in time for the Afcon Cup of nations.
Throw in some mixed martial arts and some boxing in between. Not forgetting different
continental athletic tournaments. Oh the joy! For the motor heads, F1 galore. Life was beautiful,
couldn’t ask for more.
And then one day, gone! Social gatherings banned, all non-essential communion practically
outlawed. All sporting activities suspended indefinitely or till further notice. Good bye gathering
to watch a match either live in person or on TV. Celebrating in euphoria with complete strangers
when your team scores. High fives and hugs all around when your team does the impossible or
in other cases keeps doing what its’ supposed to do.
Welcome social distancing, (2meters as advised by the authorities), hand sanitizers by the
ready and to top it off, got to wear face masks in public. All this within a couple of weeks, while
still mentally registering the lockdown. Top it off with no gym, no hoops with the guys. How
much can one take?
Covid-19, why have you come to destroy our lives?
Slowly but surely it has become my reality your reality, our reality, what next??
As painful as it’s been, I’ve had to accept this situation for what it is. There’s a deadly virus
running loose trying to end/or change our way of life on our planet as we know it. The first step
to get through this is acceptance. Accept that this is real and the changes put in place are for
my and our safety.
Acceptance is helping me process things differently. The lockdown rules are after all there to
help curb the spread of this pandemic. It hasn’t been easy, and sometimes I catch myself
missing those now not so simple things any more like a hand shake, a high five. To be able to
see someone’s face without those face masks. Little by little I get a bit more hopeful.
Staying in the present has also helped keep the anxiety at bay. Losing the privilege of going to
the gym or meeting up with the guys to shoot some hoops is gut wrenching. No live sports to
follow was a near disaster on its own. So what I decided to do was to take charge of those
things that were actually under my control or influence. No gym? Fine, welcome virtual
workouts. And to help stay accountable, got friends to do the same at their homes. With each of
us calling and checking in to make sure everybody is keeping up and doing their part. I admit,
it’s not as exciting as being in a sweat filled gym or being on the court, but we are keeping it
intense and interesting.
We’ve all had to adjust our expectations during this change and in doing so, it’s helping manage
the stress and anxiety of the time.
I am also forced to set new goals now. Working from home and only leaving the house for
essentials and when absolutely necessary will make you review your goals if not your whole life
in general. Scrap travelling, going to watch those finals, attending that victory parade,
participating in that tournament. All scrapped till further notice. One of the new goals include
staying fit (mentally and physically) at home.

Doing these things has made me realize the many different things we take for granted, but also
the importance of being intentional about taking better care of myself (physically and mentally).
When time is no longer the biggest obstacle not to do (anything), with more time now available, I
have to be responsible and more accountable for it. So I try to keep to a routine that addresses
my physical and mental wellbeing. Setting time aside specifically for work, play, exercise and
rest has been helpful. Turning off the news and the constant reminders of how dire and grim it’s
getting. Also limiting the amount of news I expose myself to. I’m waiting for that press
conference that announces a vaccine or a cure has been found. Oh happy day!
Being on lockdown has also challenged a lot of us to connect with our families and friends, even
the odd neighbor we didn’t notice before. This pandemic has exposed just how fragile life can
be and that we shouldn’t take each other for granted.
As sports enthusiasts we are finding new topics to debate and argue, some debates not so new,
like who the G.O.A.T (Greatest Of All Time) is or will be? Watching reruns of those classic
match ups, somehow finding new things to appreciate and enjoy. Talking to and listening to
each other in a different way during this crisis has been helpful. Helpful to know that I am not
alone and that my concerns, my fears and anxieties can be shared with someone going through
a similar situation. But that I can still share my joys and hopes with others. I can’t over
emphasize the importance of connecting with others. Before all this, your pet or plant would
suffice but in this situation we all find ourselves in, strive for more human connection please.
I’ll conclude by saying that, in any competition, there must be a victor, but victory will not be
easily handed over. We must practice and train hard, in this case, keep following the health
guidelines set out by the authorities. Keep taking care of ourselves and each other and knock
this covid-19 out properly.