It’s been a while since we updated our blog and it feels like even longer since we interacted in the way we thought we would be in the New Year.
All our hopes so far this year seem to be suspended, adjusted and in some extreme cases thrown out the window. The pandemic doesn’t seem to be slowing down, rather getting worse by the day and the number of lives lost ever on the increase. With some of these loses getting closer and more personal.
The uncertainty is unnerving, caution bordering on paranoia. Can’t even cough or clear your thought without thinking ‘is that the virus’? Then add another curve ball, the virus mutates just as we started settling and accepting it as part of life, bang!!
The anxiety can be debilitating, unable to move, unable to do anything. Then that spiral into frustration and hopelessness and the question comes again, what now??
It’s back to the drawing board, beginning with acceptance. Accepting that things are the way the way are at the moment. Still no public or social gatherings, no fans in the stands no crowds, maintaining that social distancing and constantly had washing and sanitizing.
Processing how we must now live gives us a chance to move forward, to adjust to take a chance. As uncomfortable as that may be, life must go on.
Focusing on what you can change can be helpful. We can only do so much in our capacity. We waste energy and time worrying about the things that are out of our control, instead we can focus on the things we can change, and if we can’t change something we don’t like, we can change the way we think about it. This could be a starting point for achieving something better.
Adjusting expectations will also help during these trying times. Expectations can be helpful, they can give us a sense of direction and motivation, so it’s easy to feel like a failure when things shift and we don’t reach our goals. What would be more helpful is, to reconsider our expectations in the current circumstances. Taking a pause and reframing that initial expectation in the context of this new situation. Don’t be too hard on yourself!
Lastly connecting with others will always be helpful as we navigate this pandemic. It’s easy to get overwhelmed and caught up in our own thoughts and in our own world and remain stuck. This can negatively affect both our physical and mental health.
Other people can help us see the brighter side, while we could also offer encouragement and support and continue to share our experiences and interests in different ways.
In the meantime stay safe and follow the public health guidelines.