If you are a fan of basketball, you will agree that the game has steadily changed in terms of offense, points scored going into the 100’s. Teams have realized that they can improve their offense simply by changing their shot selection. Take more 3’s and secure more points.

The sport was enchanted by the success of the Golden State Warriors, suddenly every kid wants to shoot like Steph (Curry) even old timers started jacking up more shots behind the arc summoning their ‘inner Stephs’.
Size no longer mattered, this was particularly noticeable among players with size, who were traditionally pigeon holed as’ back to the basket’ big men from an early age. Today, ‘everybody should shoot’, is the new mantra.
In today’s game, teams are more likely to shoot a 3 than a mid-range (2 point) jump shot. Besides, 3 points is better than 2 points any day. Three’s, three’s, three’s.

The three pointer may apply to all of us regardless of sport preference, observe: our mental health is made up of: 1. Our Emotions 2. Our Psychological well-being 3. Our Social well-being. Three thing that affect 1. How we respond to stress/ adversity 2. How we relate to and with others 3. How we make decisions/choices, and the factors that contribute to our mental health are: 1. Biological (chemical make up in the brain) 2.Family history (only child/middle child, 1st or last born etc.) 3. Life experiences (trauma, abuse etc.).

Mental health just like physical health needs to be maintained, and it can be maintained by: 1. Getting professional help 2. Being physically active with enough rest and sleep 3. Learning appropriate coping skills to everyday life’s issues.

Another glimpse of the 3 pointer in action. A healthy self-esteem is the fundamental building block to a successful life, whether you are an athlete or not, a pro or an amateur. This is particularly true for young people though, a healthy self-esteem will determine: 1. Your expectations 2. Your aspirations 3. Ultimately your quality of life.

Our self-esteem is developed as we grow up, from: 1. The messages we receive (from our parents, peers, teachers, the world around us) 2. The meanings we give to these messages 3. The beliefs we form from the meaning.

With the whole world dealing with the pandemic, it is important that we continue to look after ourselves and each other properly. The way we work, the way we learn even the way we socialize has all been affected, and all these changes have taken a toll on us in one way or another. We must remember to always 1. Wash & sanitize our hands regularly 2. Wear a mask 3. Social/physical distancing.

To the young (and old athletes) out there, keep perfecting that 3 point shot and remember your mind matters.

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